(Re-)Entering Society with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Inclusivity and Support - What is in store for those with ASD?

Intervention for young children and young adults is different. Some keep up with mainstream education and eventually re-join the workforce, but others are better suited on vocational or alternative paths. Stigma, arising from either the visible signs of ASD or from pursuing a vocational or alternative path, are real barriers for entry into society.

Young adults are usually encouraged to learn the skills needed to take on vocational roles, allowing them to earn a living and become less financially dependent on their family or loved ones.

The eventual goal for skills building and psychoeducation is to allow young adults to cope in society in open or sheltered employment, or otherwise remain productively engaged in a day activity centre.

Ψ Sheltered employment: employment where a supervisor is present to monitor and help the individual.

Oftentimes, rather than taking place in a typical work environment, sheltered employment worksites are autism-friendly and highly structured. For example, a bank could extend sheltered employment to individuals with autism and open a special space for them where they could do data entry.

Ψ Open employment: refers to typical part-time work.

Individuals with autism can work with neurotypical colleagues and receive minimal support from their supervisors. Such employment can be seen in shops like Starbucks and at hotels as well.

Ψ A day activity centre: as its name suggests, is simply a place where older individuals with autism can go to keep themselves occupied.

Its residents are often individuals on the lower end of the spectrum who are unable to keep up in the workforce and need substantial help with taking care of themselves.

Young adults on the lower end of the spectrum often need to be equipped with daily living skills. These involve simple things that may seem intuitive, such as upkeeping personal hygiene or buying food.

Parents or caregivers can offer support by identifying key skills required for these different routes of employment and work to hone them in their child. However, these skills, while specific to the job, should also prepare the child socially as much as possible.

Additionally, some parents may be in a position to offer their child a less demanding job within their companies or businesses: ensure that the work environment is carefully audited to ensure that it is conducive for your child. This could involve including visual aids and implementing clear organisational and workflow structures.

Whether a family-owned or a commercial workplace, we recommend that an Occupational Therapist is consulted for professional advice on adapting your workplace and to ensure inclusivity.

If you think that your child has ASD, do reach out and book an appointment with our child clinical psychologists who are experienced in working with families and children with ASD. Supporting a child with ASD can feel overwhelming at times, but you do not have to go through this alone. Just like how our clinical psychologists are here for your child, they are ready to support you too.


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